Become More Confident And Charismatic In Just 30 Days
Would you like to….
Be Confident in Any Situation
Command Respect in Any Conversation
Make an Amazing Impression on Anyone You Meet
If so, then Charisma University can help you get there in record time.
What is Charisma University?
Charisma University is a 6 week step-by-step program designed to give you all the tools you need to take your charisma to the next level.
It’s over 10 hours of the best training material available.
This isn’t fluffy theory stuff either like you might get in a book. You’ll get real, ready-to-use tools that you can begin to implement immediately so that each week you’re seeing massive strides.
You’ll also get an actionable, step-by-step guide so that you know how to integrate everything you learn into your daily life. You’ll basically have the exact formula to learn Charisma On Command.
You’ll know exactly where you are and what to do to improve.
And we take a very novel approach to learning charisma so be ready for a few surprises 😉
Here’s just SOME of the things you’ll be able to do using Charisma University:
Consistently make killer first impressions so that whether you talk to someone for 30 seconds or 30 minutes, they’ll remember you over everyone else they met
Command attention every time you walk into a room so that eyes are drawn to you even before you even speak
Tell stories that get people hanging on your every word and have them asking, “What happened next!?”
Have conversations that flow effortlessly, so you won’t have those awkward moments of silence where the other person politely excuses themselves
Know how to connect instantly and deeply so you can feel certain they’ll want to see you again
Have proven tools to turn on your natural charm in those moments where you normally would draw a blank
Be able to connect with older, more successful business mentors and make them eager to help you get where they already are
Overcome those frustrating moments where you freeze up, you feel your heart beat quicken, and you can’t think of anything to say
Feel confident at parties WITHOUT having to beeline for the bar and hold a drink at your chest all night
Never be the person standing alone, pulling out your phone and checking email every 5 minutes. You’ll be the person leading conversation and bringing energy to the whole room
Even if you feel like your life today is so far from your target that you can’t even see it, Charisma University will take you step-by-step each leg of the journey, guiding you along so that as long as you follow the program, you’re guaranteed to see massive gains!
Literally, GUARANTEED.
(There’s more info on the guarantee below. I made it as absurd as possible because I want Charisma University to be a real no-brainer for you)
And Charisma University isn’t just access to 10 hours of the best video content we’ve ever seen on the topic of charisma. It’s a lifetime membership to a constantly growing university where the curriculum is set by YOU.
That means any other video courses we create for Charisma University–the contents of which you’ll decide–you get access to them free. Forever!
What's Inside Charisma University

Charisma University is broken into 6 video modules that are designed to get you inspiring and impressing everyone you meet. You can go through the modules at the recommended pace of one per week, completing the daily action guide each day of the workweek, or go through the program at your own pace.
The daily action videos take just a few minutes to watch and anywhere from 2 – 20 minutes to implement. It is all about taking small, concrete steps every day so that after 6 weeks, you have made exuding charisma a habit.
Inside the membership site, you’ll have access to a 10+ hour video library that lays out exactly what you need to know and what you need to do to become next level charismatic.
Module 1: First Impressions
The four emotions that will guarantee an amazing first impression, regardless of who you’re meeting
What questions to ask and more importantly, how to know when you should NOT be asking questions
Body language tips to make a great first impression in just a few seconds
How to exude positive energy so people love talking to you
How to answer common questions like, “Where are you from?” and “What do you do?” in a way that gets people intrigued by you
Video breakdowns of great first impressions for you to model

Module 2: Confidence

How to build rock solid confidence that you can tap into it in the situations you need it most
Inner Game exercises that help you eliminate self-doubt
Psychologically backed practices to go from feeling nervous to feeling confident in less than 2 minutes
How to solidify your confidence so you maintain it and don’t clam up in groups of people you don’t know
Be able to connect with older, more successful business mentors and make them eager to help you get where they already are
Feel confident at parties WITHOUT having to beeline for the bar and hold a drink at your chest all night
Module 3: Expert Conversation
How to deal with small talk so that you quickly make people interested in connecting more meaningfully
Exercises you can do at home so you never run out of things to say when speaking with someone in real life
How to start conversations that keep themselves going
How to avoid those awkward moments of silence where the other person politely excuses themselves
How to lead conversation in a way that makes people respect you without feeling dominated by you
Two modes of conversation that will take you from initial pleasantries to genuine connection (without getting stuck talking about the weather)

Module 4: Storytelling

How to tell stories that get people hanging on your every word and have them asking “What happened next!?”
How the best storytellers take normal, everyday occurrences and turn them into riveting stories
The different types of stories and how to handle each one of them so that people stay hooked
How to tell YOUR story in a way that intrigues people and gets them wanting to know more about you
Video breakdowns from the world’s best storytellers, so you can model the greats
Module 5: Presence and Magnetism
How to get noticed so that others go out of their way to introduce themselves to you
How to speak so that you command attention (Hint: It’s NOT the words you’re saying)
What to do with your eyes, hands, and body positioning so you exude a confident energy and have a commanding presence
How we are wired to subconsciously detect nervousness and what you can do so people don’t see it (or mistake it) in you
The most important pieces to focus on so you aren’t overwhelmed with trying to manage every little inflection, gesticulation, and gesture

Module 6: Leadership

The 6 types of people and the most powerful ways to influence each of them
How to motivate others so that they are excited about doing what you persuade them to do
How to quickly read anyone and know exactly what triggers will influence them
How to build rapport so you can quickly and easily establish trust
One of the most important ways top leaders in the world get people to buy into their vision
Bonus #1 Group Interactions
How to be as good with groups as individuals
How to be a leader without being a bully
How to engage the whole group
How to immediately be accepted into any type of group
How to find “the seam” in the conversation and jump in without being interrupted

Bonus #2 The Art Of Handling Conflict

How to disarm someone who’s being combative by using one honest sentence
How to improve relationships that have had long-term friction
Learn when to avoid conflict and when to embrace it
3 phrases that turn enemies into teammates
Charisma University is our flagship product and we want it to be as helpful as possible. Based on student requests, we already have added the bonuses above, daily action guides, and worksheets to simplify some of the at-home exercises. When you join, you are locked in to receive everything that ever comes with Charisma University in the future. Even if the price goes up.
How do I become a member of Charisma University?
To cover all of this charismatic goodness in our private coaching program used to take 3 months and a $6,000 investment.
Was our coaching program way, way more valuable than $6,000? Hell yes! I had a coaching client go through just half of the material that’s now inside of Charisma University, and he earned a promotion AND a pay raise within two months of starting the program! But that doesn’t make it any more affordable if you don’t have that kind of cash in the bank.
So I decided to distill everything I used to offer in private coaching into Charisma University, and now you can get all the benefits of coaching for just $597!
That’s 90% off what you would have to invest to cover the same amount in private coaching, and it comes with a daily step-by-step system, a community of people to answer any questions you have, plus neverending instant access to any future bonuses we add to Charisma University.
And because people were emailing me asking for it…
We now offer Charisma University in affordable monthly payments. That way, you can try it without having to spend the full price of the course. Get it for just 6 monthly payments of $99.50!
Yep, that’s just $99.50 today to unlock the entirety of Charisma University.
Or if you want to pay all at once, you can do that too.
So if you know that Charisma University is right for you and you’re ready to commit to this, there’s never going to be a better time than right now.
Click the link below and join Charisma University!

My Guarantee To You
I want to make sure this elevates your life to the point where the investment in yourself is a no brainer.
So I’m including a guarantee that is going to make your jaw drop.
Because I want you to know just how confident Ben and I are about this program…
If by the end of Charisma University, this isn’t an obviously fantastic investment, all you have to do is let me know within 60 days of purchasing and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase.
You don’t need to explain.
You don’t have to convince me.
Plain and simple – if this isn’t awesome for you, I don’t want to keep your money.
You can watch every video and get every ounce of knowledge from Ben and I, and if at the end of it you don’t think we have delivered above and beyond, still get 100% of your money back.
I offer this (and mean it) because I know how powerful this program will be.
THAT is how confident I am in the value of Charisma University.
Listen, the bottom line is, it’s going to be amazing. I know it is and I know that after you see it, you’ll feel the same.
And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and make this 100% risk-free for you.
Click “Join Charisma University” and let’s do this! Because if you dedicate yourself to it, Charisma University will change your life.
"Frequently Asked Questions"
Charisma is not like eye color. The idea that you are either born with it or you’re not is a destructive myth created by people who want to justify their own deficiencies. Charisma is a skill.
No different than playing the guitar or riding a bike, charisma can be learned. The biggest difference is how little time it takes to become great at it.
Charisma University was NOT created for everybody. This is not an instant fix, magic pill type of program. It is not for the lazy.
I have worked with men and women ages 20-43, of all races except Native American, from every continent except for Africa and Antartica. There is no such thing as being too short or too tall for charisma. The two things you really need are strong desire to improve and the ability to push your comfort zone.
If you truly want it, you’ll put the time in. You’ll watch 30 minutes a day, you’ll do the daily habit exercises, and you’ll watch magic happen in your life.
So the two easiest ways to know if this is right for you:
- Are you willing to spend time each week watching these videos and working on improving yourself?
- Are you married to doing the same things you’ve always done, or are you willing to try new things in order to grow and achieve your goals?
There’s a ton of new content: techniques, tactics, and exercises that aren’t available elsewhere.
More importantly, it gives you a step-by-step structure to implement what you learn and turn knowledge into habit. And it gives you a time frame (6 weeks) that you know you’ll start seeing massive improvements in, instead of dipping and dabbling and dealing with slow growth and extended plateaus.
Perhaps most importantly of all, it gives you a community to push you and peers to grow with and learn from. Since Ben and I are a part of that community, it also gives you direct access to us for any questions you can’t find answers to.
Oh yeah, and here’s the truth: the simple act of investing financially makes for better results. I wish I could deliver the same success rates through books, but it is just a truth of human psychology. If you invest financially, you signify to yourself that you are serious about growth. You follow through where you might have let it slide.
We thought about leaving CU as a set of videos with incredible content and letting people figure it out from there. But then we thought better of it. Now you get a step-by-step daily structure that will guide you with integration actions every day and direct access to a charisma coach in the comments for all your questions.
That combination has been designed specifically to guarantee you don’t just learn about charisma but live it every day.
You have 60 days to try as much of Charisma University as you like. If at any point within those 60 days you don’t feel the course is for you, simply log in to the account settings page and refund your purchase. There are no extra steps, nothing to send back, no minimum amount of the course to complete. Refunds will be processed within 48 hours and may take a few days to show up on your credit card statement.
If you go through Charisma University and you don’t think it is obviously worth your time and money, get your money back. Simple as that.
I’m not interested in your money if this doesn’t have a huge positive impact on your life and I work hard on the content and in the comments to make sure we over deliver. But, if within 60 days, you decide it isn’t for you, simply log in to My Profile, choose Billing and refund your purchase. I’ll get you all of your money back. I’ll eat the credit card processing fees.
I want this to be a no-brainer, the best way you can invest your money – if it isn’t just email me and get your money back.